“Open sessions to all” _No.1_IEEE RS_joint Sweden and Norway Chapter

Mälardalens Universitet (MDU), Västerås campus: U2-024, Västerås, Vastmanlands lan, Sweden

Would you like to meet our members from industry and academy face-to-face? No matter if you are members or not; no matter if you are from industry or academy; no matter if you would like to discuss reliability topics or just come to show yourself and say Hi; please don’t miss the following three activities of our “open sessions to all”; and let us know each other! - “Open sessions to all” _No.1: 8th July 2022, Västerås (Sweden), 13:30 pm – 14:30 pm; Chair and Senior Members from ABB, Volvo CE have confirmed to participant. Address: Mälardalens Universitet (MDU), Västerås campus: U2-024. Mälardalens Universitet (MDU), Västerås campus: U2-024, Västerås, Vastmanlands lan, Sweden