2016 Outstanding Section Membership Recruitment Performance
The Norway Section has met the recruitment goal for the 2016 membership year and is awarded 2016 Outstanding section membership recruitment award!
The Norway Section has met the recruitment goal for the 2016 membership year and is awarded 2016 Outstanding section membership recruitment award!
The Norway Section has met the retention goal for the 2015 membership year and is awarded 2015 Outstanding section membership retention award!
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IEEE Norway invites interested members to volunteer for vacant officer position for the next board.
IEEE Norway Section, Power Electronics Chapter invites you to an industrial membership meeting at Siemens Trondheim. The topic is on Subsea distribution of electric power at down to 3000m sea depth. The meeting starts at 14.00 on 9 December 2014, next to the tall Siemens office building, Bratsbergvegen 5. For more information, please see the attached file. If questions, please contact Prof. Tore Undeland, who is chairing the PE Chapter.
The 2014 IEEE Norway Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Dec 05 (Fri). Every member of IEEE is welcome to participate. All participants are requested to fill this form to create a smooth functioning of the event: http://goo.gl/forms/go1K41xWWn Other information about the meeting is as follows. Place: Electro Building (EL6), NTNU, Trondheim Address: Gamle Elektro NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology 7034 Trondheim Norway Date: Dec 05 (Fri), 2014 Agenda: (1600 - 1800) 16:00 Arriving and Networking 16:30 Annual General Meeting - Introduction about IEEE Norway Section - 2014 Section Activity Report and Call for Volunteers 17:00 Annual General Meeting (continue at B212) - Discussion Welcome! |
When: Thursday October 30th 2014, 1015 – 1600
Where: Rådsrommet, Elektro, Gløshaugen Registration: email to camilla.t.larsen@ntnu.no, deadline: 24 October, 16:00 The seminar is organized by IEEE Power & Energy Society, Norway Chapter, and the Department of Electric Power Engineering, NTNU. |
The much popular and sought after 24 hour programming competition IEEExtreme, will be organized by the IEEE NTNU SB for the first time at NTNU.
The registrations are now open and the registration link is found at the Competition website.
Interesting information about the competition is here.
To arrange the logistics for the competition please email traian.preda@elkraft.ntnu.no if you are interested in participating.
IEEEXtreme 8.0 Programming Challenge. No travel required, just brain power, stamina & your favorite energy drink!
At the Annual General Meeting Held on 09th September 2014 at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology a new board of officers was elected for year 2014/15. The election was chaired by the section chair and professor at NTNU, Yuming Jiang. The elected officers and their contact details are as per below.
Position | Name | |
Chairman | Traian Preda | traian.preda@elkraft.ntnu.no |
Vice-Chairman | Håvard Hartviksen | havahar@stud.ntnu.no |
Secretary | Iason Filippopoulos | iason.filippopoulos@iet.ntnu.no |
Treasurer | Zhifei Mao | zhifeim@item.ntnu.no |
Committee member | Praveen Shrestha | praveen332srta@gmail.com |
Committee member | Hasala Dharmawardena | hasala@ieee.org |
Committee member | Rezah Parseh | reza.parseh@ntnu.no |
Committee member | Mehdi Zadeh | mehdi.zadeh@ntnu.no |
Many Congratulations to the new committee!
Silicon Carbide semiconductor devices lead to better Power Electronics design and opens up new areas of research. The Norway Section of the IEEE Power Electronics Society and the Department of Electric Power Engineering at NTNU invite you to this seminar to explore the state-of-the-art. At the same time we take this opportunity to celebrate Prof. Tore M. Undeland, who has served NTNU as a student, research fellow, and professor for 50 years. He is a Fellow of IEEE, a past chair of the IEEE Norway section as well as the current chair of the IEEE Norway section Power Electronics Society.
Date : Tuesday, 17th June 2014 Time : 10:00 – 15:00 Place : NTNU, Trondheim – Gløshaugen, Old Physics Building (Sem Sælands veg 5), Auditorium F6 Map: http://www.ntnu.edu/map/gloeshaugen/old-physics-building/
Link to complete program and registration information
Registration deadline Friday 6th June!
IFIP Networking 2014, to be held in Trondheim, Norway, is the 13th event of the series of International Conferences on Networking sponsored by the IFIP Technical Committee on Communication Systems (TC6). Networking 2014 is also technically co-sponsored by IEEE Computer Society. This event is to be organized by the Department of Telematics at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway.Chair of the conference is Yuming Jiang, NTNU, Norway. |
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In 2006 IEEE Norway section arranged a workshop on Engineering Mathematics. The workshop was intended for persons involved in teaching engineer students. Presentations where held by persons both from universities and companies.
The opening speech was given by the Abel prize 2006 winner Lennart Carleson
Pictures from the workshop can be found here.
Åpningsforedrag v/ Hugo Parr
Matematikken: svært vakker og svært nyttig
Trond Clausen, Høgskolen i Telemark
Er ingeniørmatematikk virkelig et redskap for ingeniøren?
Rolf Cato Imstøl, Høgskolen i Bergen
Matematikk versus matematiske metoder
Helge E. Mordt, Prediktor og Høgskolen i Østfold
Matematikk og reguleringsteknikk
Sverre Gotaas, Statkraft
Energi og Matematikk
Terje Wahl, Norsk Romsenter
Romteknologi og matematikk før og nå
Rolf Cato Imstøl, Høgskolen i Bergen
Praktisk Undervisning i matematikk/EDB/dynamikk ved Institutt for maskin og marin teknikk ved Høgskolen i Bergen
EEE Norway Section was established 28th Mars 1963 and the 13th November 2005 the 40 years anniversary was celebrated. The opening speaker was Knut Endresen and the speech can be downloaded here:
The other speakers was: |