Ocean Decade – Synthetic Aperture Radar for Oil Spill Observation
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/310766Please join us for an exciting Oceanic Engineering Distinguished Lecture by Dr. Maurizio Migliaccio (see details down below). This event is co-hosted by the OES chapters of the Vancouver, Canadian Atlantic, Norway, Ireland and UK, and Italy Sections. The event will begin on April 23rd at 9:00 PST/13:00 AST/17:00 BST/18:00 CEST Venues: Vancouver Section - 9:00 AM PST: Online (Zoom) Canadian Atlantic Section - 1:00 PM AST: Dalhousie University: Emera Bldg Romero Classroom (Rm 1004) - right by the main entrance of the Romero Building Ireland and UK Section - 5:00 PM BST: TBD Norway Section - 6:00 PM CEST: TBD Italy Section - 6:00 PM CEST: TBD ==== CAS In-Person attendance: - You MUST be registered for this event and have notified mae.seto@dal.ca that you are coming in-person. We need to know so we can observe the room limits for distancing. - (https://cas.ieee.ca/files/2022/04/IEEE_SAR-for-Oil-Spill-Observation_EventEntrance-1.png) to go through and look for the IEEE event flyer on the door. We will also be looking for you. - The doors of EMERA Rm 1004 will be opened at 12:30 PM ADT. - Light refreshments will be available at 12:30 PM ADT. - Attendees will be distanced when seated. * * * Dalhousie University requires masking when indoors – except to eat or drink of course. * * * See you soon Speaker(s): Dr. Maurizio Migliaccio, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/310766